Tres páginas de Fuenteovejuna

Inspired on the play by Lope de Vega, from the Spanish Golden Age, Borja Mariño wrote the song cycle Tres páginas de Fuenteovejuna (Three Pages of Fuenteovejuna), that assembles three monologues of the character Laurencia. It includes the famous scene after the rape by Comendador, in which she confronts the people for their passivity in the face of such atrocious events.
The cycle is dedicated to the mezzo-soprano Beatriz Lanza and was intended for a concert program with music from modern composers inspired on this fruitful century of Spanish poetry. The project was temporarily halted by the global pandemic. Meanwhile, several singers have been interested in this composition, such as Patricia Illera or Begoña Gómez. In addition, the soprano Mariola Cantarero offered the second song of the cycle at a concert in Granada in July 2020.
The play by Lope de Vega takes place in Fuenteovejuna: a little village in the south of Spain, where some rumours are being spread about the bad behaviour of Comendador (the Commander mayor) and his men towards the young women of the village. In the first piece “Soy, aunque polla, muy dura”, Laurencia tries to convince her friend, Pascuala, that Comendador is not interested in her as she is already an old woman.
The second song "De tanto torcer los paños," shows a fierce Laurencia who stimulates a timid Frondoso to flirt with her. She thinks that a quick marriage will keep her safe from Comendador, who is persecuting her insistently.
The demolishing last scene “Llevóme de vuestros ojos”, happens after the rape of Laurencia. She faces the people of Fuenteovejuna yelling at them “Cowards! You allow that other men use your women”. After this monologue the people will kill Comendador and then the judge will ask them “who killed the mayor?”, getting the answer “Fuenteovejuna did it!”.
Inspirado en la obra de teatro de Lope de Vega, del Siglo de Oro español, Borja Mariño escribió su ciclo de canciones Tres páginas de Fuenteovejuna que recoge tres monólogos del personaje de Laurencia, incluyendo la famosa escena donde este personaje después de ser violada por el Comendador se enfrenta al pueblo por su pasividad ante hechos tan atroces.
El ciclo está dedicado a la mezzosoprano Beatriz Lanza y estaba pensado para un programa de concierto con música basada en este fructífero siglo de la poesía española visto desde compositores modernos, un proyecto que se vio detenido temporalmente por la pandemia mundial. Mientras tanto, varias cantantes se han interesado por el ciclo de canciones, como Patricia Illera o Begoña Gómez, y también la soprano Mariola Cantarero ofreció la segunda de las piezas del ciclo en un concierto en Granada en julio de 2020.